THEREFORE! Because in law there is always a THEREFORE!
I'm dedicating today's post to (love how I spend my weekends btw) quirky and idiosyncratic things that appeal to the
Interestingly, when I googled the words "buy law student" the first hit was an ad for prescription pills.
Feather Your Nest by is a cage of wool scraps you can put out by your birdfeeder, enticing the little fly-y thingies that come by to include colorful scraps in their nests.

The Sugar Glider Pet Shop offers, among its myriad boring animals, sugar gliders, hedgehogs, and kinkajous.
What the hell is a kinkajou, you my ask?
This thing:

Shown here vomiting on your carpet.
Actually, if you google image search them they're kind of cute.
Meanwhile, and please don't cite me as any level of authority, I've been told that sugar gliders

Don't bash the website though - they publicize the ASPCA pledge against animal cruelty, and that I dig. Prolly gonna do some pro bono work for the MSPCA this summer in fact.
And moving on to humans...who wouldn't want this ACCURATE Christmas Story reproduction leg lamp? Classy, eh?

But wait wait wait wait wait, if you REALLY REALLY want to do something nice for animals and the environment...
Did you know that you can buy one ton of sulfur dioxide emissions??? That's right, apparently the going rate for sulfur dioxide emissions (at least as of 2006, the date of the article), is the bargain basement price of $425 per ton at the EPA's annual emissions auction! Sounds like a gas. Apparently a University of Iowa student group purchased an emissions permit under the Clean Air Act, thereby preventing that allowance from being used by some industrial producer. Makes sense. If everybody went and bought a ton of sulfur dioxide emissions we'd end global warming AND return to a barter and trade economy. A++
Meanwhile, over at you can buy fine gold, silver, pearl and precious stone jewelry inspired by things like wheat, rice, peanuts, cotton, tractor tires, grapes, alpacas, LLAMAS (I f-ing love llamas), almonds, pecans, corn and...

I don't know why my quirks post seems to be about things that are alive... let's see if I can find something a little bit more inanimate to feature...
Ah yes, Ba da ching. Their tag line should be: Blood, coffinitup? Coffinitup!
Actually, they don't appear to sell coffins. They appear to sell coffin theme merchandise only. Shucks.
But look, they've got coffin jewelry, coffin purses...Coffin...

...Kitchen Cabinets. Personally I wouldn't want to store my food in any of those but to each his own, I guess.
Also, there's which offers items in a wide variety of price ranges. Such as the "Hawk Wireless Networked Autonomous Humanoid Mobile Robot with Dual Arms" for 20,000 British Pounds.
No thanks. That creeps me out, too, frankly (I have had a fear of robots since I was a small child - call me a and
And naturally, because animal stuff seems to keep popping up everywhere as I research for this post:
PETA apparently tried to buy a giant robot elephant for the circus. As for the author's suggestion that we retire circus animals and just use robotic dinosaurs instead that would eat all the scarry clowns...iawtc.
Which brings me back to my work for the MSPCA...A bill has been filed in Massachusetts seeking to ban elephant hooks in circuses, these nasty and unnecessary little buggers that basically just discipline by causing pain. Write your state legislator.
Finally, in my quest to entertain you I stumbled upon this website on weird things you can buy online that that has entertained me. Thought I would share.
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