Then you are probably my soul mate, because I most certainly do. And to honor the romance of the gaping hole in my soul that can be filled by nothing that is not warm and fuzzy and like the wearable version of hot-cocoa (and because Boston seems to still think it's Winter) I give you...
THE ULTIMATE KNITTING POST. That's right, boys and girls. Yarn, books, implements, spindles and rovings, and knitted up goodies all right here. A post SO ULTIMATE it has to be broken up into parts. This is part 1. I'm excited. Let's go.
First stop, yarn. Some people pick a pattern first, then find the yarn...this technique is so...sad. And mechanical. And blah. And flavorless and boring. AND BACKWARDS IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. There's no color in it! When I knit I have to feel the yarn, get inspired by it, find that perfect color combination that just screams its unique need to be concocted, let it speak to me, get ZEN with the YARN.
Number one stop, artfibers. I first ran into artfibers when I was interning in San Francisco a few summers ago. The ridiculousness of San Francisco real estate + economic crisis appears to have forced them into a new, suburban location, and poor little me - I'm on an opposite coast! But have no fear as you can order ALL their incredibly unique yarn on the intarnets in various quantities. Artfibers, how I love thee - especially thy current obsession with bamboo fiber (which, if you've ever worked with it or worn it, is like the cashmere of the non-animal world. Great to spin up, too.)
Artfibers is always discontinuing old lines and starting new ones, so be careful if you fall too much in love; buy in bulk - but always always ALWAYS stop back to see if there's something new.

Phos, pictured here, is probably the most unique of all their yarns. The pictures of it knitted up really don't do it justice so I haven't featured them. It's a strange, strange yarn, but it stands up in this super weird texture that makes me think of tiny Martian stalagtites. They used to have a radioactive snot green that I'm not finding on the website, which bums me out, but this one was always a close second.
Golden chai and tsuki are also two personal favorites, but I frankly have never been disappointed with ANY of their yarns. Plus, the option to buy in various quantities on cones is awesome. It's always spooled up so it never gets tangled. Super super efficient. Their story is also interesting if you check it out on their website and they clearly strive to come up with new and more interesting yarns as often as possible. Quality is great.
For a while they were offering beautiful, natural Japanese silk fiber that I have personally spun up into a ball on my drop spindle, but I'm not finding it on the website :(
Another yarn I've particularly fallen for is Rowan Tapestry, which seems to be generally available in a variety of yarn speciality stores such as Windsor Button at Downtown Crossing, Boston. I'm partial to the

Then there's this lovely shop I fell upon while browsing Ravelry, - with its earthy name and sumptuous treats I couldn't resist adding to my favorites. I haven't had the opportunity to work with this gorgeous looking stuff quite yet, but it's on my summer to do list (once the law school has released me from its insipid bowels.) It ain't cheap, but it's gorgeous, including the holy grail of yarns - pre-beaded yarn, and some beautiful tussah silk bats in ridiculous jewel tones just begging me to spin them...
A brand I have worked with and highly recommend is Manos del Uruguay, for their international flair, socially-conscious mission, and high-quality product. Their big schtick is that their yarn is artisan made by rural women. And I gotta tell you, it worked on me. I purchased a gorgeous 50/50 silk/merino blend with a tag stating it was handmade by "Graciella." I was like...Graciella you are awesome. Plus, according to their website, they've supplied fibers to Ralph Lauren and DKNY. Don't we feel exclusive and luxurious now?
Some gorgeous photos from their website I could not resist posting, their silk blend colorways, for instance:

Then there is handspun on - just LOOK at these lovelies:
LOOK at this magnificently plied pinky-red handspun by and tell me it doesn't make you make incomprehensible gurgling noises of lust:

But WAIT! Then there's this incredibly textural yarn from handpainted yarns...

Spirally wonders from

and delicious colors from beeskneesknitting

BUT WAIT! There's still the option to Make Your Own with beautiful drop spindles from


And alpaca roving from
or one of these magnificent Etsy fiber gurus:
Gorgeous fiber by isjulafiber (and she's right- I bought some, and it IS gorgeous)

Incredible contrast by

Wowie Kazowie bats from DeepSeaFibers

and finally, Gorgeous handpainted Mongolian cashmere and mulberry silk by exclusivelylindalee

which I have purchased, spun up and adore in precisely that colorway - haven't knitted it yet, and am in fact thinking of striping it with my artfibers silk.
Let me tell you a little bit about my last featured roving genius, Ms. LindaLee (naturally her shop's inactive just as I go to feature her because they're moving!)... I purchased this fiber from her after moving, myself, and for some reason the post office didn't forward it to my new address. This seller was soooo helpful, getting back to me right away with tracking numbers and communicating and check in for status reports...meanwhile the post office did nada, and that was after I went back to my old building to look for the damn thing and contacted my landlord and everything (we think someone stole it many people steal roving???). When Ms. LindaLee heard of this she wouldn't have it -she sent me another, free of charge.
THAT is love...of fiber. Keep an eye on this shop because I guarantee you that when she starts posting new items again they're gonna be GORGEOUS.
Now...phew...we FINALLY have a yarn to inspire us...or at least some fiber to turn into yarn to inspire us...
and NOW it is time to find a pattern....I have some books on in mind that can provide us with precisely that....but it will have to wait until...
dum dum dum....
As a fiber enthusiast, it all looks yummy to me! Thanks for including my "Paint The Town Red" yarn in with this outstanding collection!